Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Friday: the longest Friday of my life!

Struggled to wake up this morning, again dragging with the idea of leaving.

I headed to breaky at riverside one last time.
Plate of fruit. Love these things, they're called Longon.

Loaded up for one last red truck ride. (Tear)

Love Chiang Mai! It's a small town feeling city with so much life and character.

The most around town.

Hopped on my plane, or shall I say nap time headed to Bangkok. Thankfully I didn't have to leave the airport there!

One last simple Thai meal and of course capped with a Thai iced tea. Never did I think I would fall so in love with Thai food. I've always said Mexican was my one choice if I could only eat one thing forever. Nope. Mind changed! 

I had no concept of time even in the Bangkok airport and spent my last hours meandering the airport aimlessly without a care in the world.

I met the most adorable Taiwanese girls on the flight! 14 & 15 years old. I settled in to read my book when I was politely interrupted with a light tap & "Excuse me, would you like to chat with us?" By the girl in the middle. I am kicking myself for not writing down their names. We talked for over 3 hours. Apparently they had to rock, paper, scissor for who would ask me to talk. For the cutie on the left, I was the second English speaker she had ever spoken to and in the middle, I was her first! They were elated to speak English with me and they did it so incredibly well! 

We chatted about cultures and out trips. They kept saying how beautiful I was along with all Americans and that Taiwan did not have cute boys. Tom cruise has their hearts.

A few tidbits of our special conversation (they could not stop saying how special it was to talk to me)

"Neehow" is hello in Chinese. Yet do NOT call then Chinese, huge offense taken. They are very proud of their culture and that they are not "rude" like the people of China. 

The darling middle girl was speaking ifTitanic  and I didn't understand what she was saying, so she spread her arms and said "Jack and Rose". Oh the universal language of movies!

I was informed I was their new sister and I could visit whenever I pleased and that would show me Taiwan and their food. Their pride for their country brimmed from their hearts. 

I heard "Americans so beautiful" probably 100 times. My heart sank when they talked down upon themselves for their "yellow" skin. I made a strong effort to remind them they are gorgeous and not to compare themselves or long for white skin. 

"You're so tall" ummmm...YES! Never will I hear that in my life again! 

They dream of visiting America and potentially going to school there. I again reinforced them and told them they one day would and to of course call on their American sister!
They're schooling is beyond rigorousl, therefore they dream of life in America where we barley lift a finger. The middle darling wakes at 5am daily to catch a train to school which is over an hour ride. They attend school from 7am until 4pm, then head to another school to study what they learn. They do not return home until 9 or 10 at night, only to study the days work before bed. Part of their schooling is to clean their school for 15-30 minutes a day. Apparently no janitors on staff. 

You frequently see (too much) western influence upon such an amazing culture, the playboy bunny being spotted more often than I'd like. The middle cutie had the bunny on the side of her shoes. I asked if she knew what it was and she said "rabbit, playboy". I crushed her and informed her it was really after a magazine of naked women. She was horrified and said she was throwing them away as soon as she returned home. Hopefully I didn't scar her for life, but educated her to pass it on. 

The 4 hour flight flew by while chatting with these two and eventually getting the Canadian, Kiwi and English folk in the aisle across from us involved. A lot of laughs shared yet again! 

  I asked then what the seeded white fruit was called and was told,   "If you eat many, your poo poo red" from the girls. Thankfully this was one if the last meals I would be consuming of plastic organized food in my lap. 
I am beyond crazy about these rice cake type cookies. So simple, yet SO good! And gluten free of course!

We had a lot if turbulence on both flights, the first heading through thunder, lightening and rain as well. Probably the list scared I was my entire trip. Thank goodness for the power of conversation to distract me! 

I spent my 2 hour layover wandering the Thapei airport with the kiwi guy (Chris) in search of a beverage, but it was too late for service. Again, wishing these conversations never ended. He was a sustainable farmer and yet worked in the pork and poultry industry. So interesting! 
He told me I looked like a "pregnant Philipino" with my canvas bag draped across the front of me and my gargantuan bag in my back. I received much ribbing from him and the Canadian girl for the size of my bag. Good news is I didn't have to check a thing coming home! (My bag is now 16.4kg) 

Heading into San Francisco.

Waiting on the curb for mom. Tears were shed when the immigration officer asked how my trip was. Then seeing mommy they came flooding. Poor thing thought it was because I missed her. (Of course) I miss Thailand and the experiences more than anything. Take me back. 

There was some intense traffic on the return trip to auburn. I shared stories through tears and mima said, "In 3 weeks you've come a long way." My heart melted. My life has forever been changed by this trip. 

Perhaps I should? For 5 days since returning I have contemplated just how I can attend school online while living in Pai.

The welcome home from my bestie. Just what a girl needs!

I didn't miss cheese until I could actually eat it. Wine on the other hand I missed greatly!

And this guy of course! He has been by my side, even in my most private moments. He has eased my sadness of coming home. Like I said three weeks ago, my reason to return!

I apologize for the delay in informing you all of my last day and safe return. As you can see, I am suffering a little bit of sadness to be home. Thailand captured me in so many ways and will always carry a piece of my heart. It's time to work my buns off to fund my next, much longer trip! Next summer I'm off again! 

I have been attempting to catch up on sleep (waking @2:30am for the day is not ideal) and get acclimated back into life in America. The job and apartment search has commenced after a few days rest, although it all sounds like too much responsibility! Please send me any good energy you've got for finding a great place and a new gig soon! I can use it! 

Thank you all for dedicatedly reading  about my adventures and the wonderful response you have given me about my writings. It keot me on top of remembering the details for myself as well. Perhaps I shall travel and write for a living? 

I returned to my 3 associates degrees and the sweetest welcome from my postmaster, Mark, who shared in my travels as well.  


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