My alarm woke me at 5am with a start, confusion to where I was. I suddenly
remembered I was in nasty Bangkok and was filled with excitement to get to the airport headed to Koh Samui.
I fell asleep on the flight which was just over an hour. Zleepy! It's so strange to me to get a meal on every flight, no matter how short it is. I awoke to a plastic tray of food that was left for me on the next tray table. I ate the 4 bites of fruit before landing.
Sight of Koh Samui!
The Koh Samui airport is gorgeous. All open air with thatched roofing overhead. We rode an open aired trolly to the baggage claim. Love it already!
I grabbed my bag and headed to the bus and boat ticket counter. Quickly I was on a mini bus headed to the pier to catch the boat.
I met Joanna (Jo for short, from Australia) who was headed to the same place as I, The Sanctuary on Koh Phangan. We sat with a lovely couple as we waited who were also from Austrailia, Lizzy and Tertius. Lizzy was so concerned of me traveling alone and said I was "so California". Never in my life would I have thought to appear Californian. I mentioned something a few minutes later about having travel insurance and she said, "that's so California". Everyone I have met seems to think we live the California dream of going to the beach and shopping. It's quite comical.
View from the ATM. There are birds in cages everywhere here!
This is "so Thailand"! The boat ride was only about 15 minutes and gorgeous!
We arrived at The Sanctuary and were immediately handed a ginger drink with mint and lime. So delightful! I hadn't booked a room, but thankfully there was a nicer dorm room available for relatively cheap. This place is swarming with new age type hippies-definitely burning man people here!
The path to my room, it's oh so long and steap-but gorgeous! The boulders are all built around, even in the bathrooms.
I changed and headed straight to the restaurant for lunch
I had a headache all day and decided to take a nap, skipping the afternoon yoga class. I did wake up in time to head to meditation which was much needed after such a hectic two days of travel. Calm my monkey brain.
The instructor came in and she immediately reminded me of a hyper version of my dear friend, Bruna. She hit play on her laptop and Ricky Martin began playing. Not exactly the relaxing idea I had. She quickly explained we were in a dance meditation class. I immediately was a lil weary and had a flash of disappointment then reminded myself to be in that moment, I was supposed to be here.
I was so wrong! It was a blast! We started with shaking with our knees soft and feet grounded. The directions were to keep our eyes closed and let our body move us, not the way we learn to dance to appeal to others. We then moved on to dancing for about 20 minutes with eyes closed-I had never thought this would be so fun! The last half hour was spent on our mats in stillness. So glad I stayed!
After meditation I headed to dinner and quickly had to move inside as the rain began to fall. I enjoyed some spring rolls that were amazing! This place offers detoxing and fasting so the menu offers a variety of vegetarian and raw foods. No meat at all.
Once I was done, I continued to journal when Jo walked up. I sat with her for a bit while she ate before heading to bed. This headache is getting the best of me and I am feeling a bit nauseous. Time to sleep it off!
We have been warned there is a loud party over the hill and ear plugs have been provided for all. This should be fun!
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