Monday, December 23, 2013

30th year on earth in review

Woweee!!! Never did I think 30 would be so amazing?! I've heard the thirties are some of the best and I'm counting on it after this last year. I lived a blessed life thanks to love.

I found myself running marathon nĂºmero dos in Carlsbad, CA. 
Wasn't my best race, but I finished and that is all that matters. I also got to spend some time with my beautiful, glowing friend Courtney (she's pregnant here) and her wonderful husband Brent. 


I thawed out in the sun of Mexico for a little R&R.

I ran my first 50k!!

 The Way Too Cool was simply amazing and I could not have done it without a girl's best running partners & support team!

This was a tear worthy moment. Never did I think my extremely non athletic, uncoordinated self could accomplish such a feat. And good news is I'm in for the March 2014 WTC! I better start running...

Our family had an epic progressive surprise party for the great uncle Joe. He has much to celebrate this year. Stemmlers throw a good party. (Mom's side of the fam bam)


I chilled out and hit the books. Managed to sneak in a training run with the best running inspiration I have, the great Mo! She trained for her first marathon! Love seeing my friends complete the 26.2!


I saw my favorite, Michael Franti & Spearhead at Bottlerock Napa. (Also my first music festival, I'm hooked!)

I gots me an edumacation! I finished my time at community college with three associates. From a girl who said she hates school, it wasn't so bad!


Tre pazzi goodbye party

I said goodbye to Auburn as "home" moved my belongings into storage and quit one of my favorite all time jobs at Tre pazzi.


You all know the story of my once in a lifetime adventure to Thailand with my great loves, the elephants. If not, read all about it in the previous 726 posts.


I returned home to no home or job. I never realized how much we identify with these two things. Having neither was beyond liberating! I spent the first few weeks with friends and housesitting. 

And a weekend camping with dear friends at Dillon's Beach.

I found a new "home" in midtown Sacramento...

This beauty is split into three apartments, mine is in the back

The vintage details are what I dreamed of.

You can't see the beaut of a claw foot tub around that corner, but we love each other. 

I protested elephant rides at the Nevada County Fair. My first protest and most likely not my last. The very elephant I rode when I was 15 was one of them. So sad she is still walking in circles on hot asphalt with annoying people on her back. (When not staring in films such as "Water for Elephants")

I saw MF&S again in Reno with my dearest Bruna 

I started my first semester at Sacramento State. My most difficult class was a sculpture class. Art is fun, but I don't plan to take any more art classes in college! 

My very own in plaster

Not the best photo, but a rendition of Mother Nature I cast in aluminum. My favorite project.

My other favorite was in an exhibit at a campus gallery.


I met Shaq while out to dinner one random weeknight. He had just said "She's touching my ass.", hence my laughing. And for the record, I was as it's at my shoulder level.

I also returned to Tre pazzi after not loving the new job I had in Sacramento. Yes, I'm living in Sac and working in Auburn. It's exactly the opposite of why I moved down the hill, but it's worth every minute of every drive. Plus mom gets to still see me and I think she likes that.

September 25th was my Dad's birthday and I happened to be in Tahoe, so I had a birthday ash spreading in chilly Tahoe!


I saw MF&S again (sensing a trend here?)

Photo by Ganesh Photography
You can see my face in the middle above the speaker bottom left.

I was invited on my first ever backpacking trip to Sykes Springs in Big Sur, CA. It was amazing and I am now hooked on backpacking!

The faint line in the horizon is the pacific. This was on the 11 miles out after camping two nights. Thankfully my pack was lighter by two bottles of wine carried in a camelback bladder. Rough trip ;)

This was after the 11 mile hike in and I couldn't cross the rocks due to exhaustion, short legs, lack of coordination from hiking 11 miles & I no longer gave a poo!

Almost to camp

I stole this picture from online, so I have no idea who this person is. This is one of the hot springs along the river. A soak felt so good after that hike!

Enjoying wine, cheese and crackers for riverside happy hour. I said it was a rough trip!

My cousin Nick came to visit.

We played tourists in my new "home" town and he schooled me on how to properly ride a bike in traffic. No, really.

I went to San Diego to visit Courtney and her new family! This is JJ and he officially stole my heart. I'm in love with him.


Was a mellow month. I snuck in a visit with Lacy, who've I've been buds with since I was 3. I was honored when she asked me to run a marathon with her. Her first!! This will be my third. March 23rd in Oakland. Again, I better start running....


I saw MF&S in San Fran. Ridiculous, I know! But nothing brings me greater joy other than traveling. So I'm hopping on a plane and heading to Bali for his first music festival!

It's ok if you call me obsessed, I'm ok with it. And I'll admit it. In Bali.

Stay tuned for my Bali ramblings and thank you for reading through my thirtieth year! I have no idea how I ever got to be so blessed with this amazing life, but I am thankful. And most importantly, thankful for all of you reading this! Love to each and every one of you. 

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